DUNS: 963605808|UEI: N96SVL5EK8R7| CAGE Code: 6XXC4 is a GSA approved MAS (Multiple Award Schedule) contract holder.

Contract Number: 47QTCA18D007B

Period Covered by Contract: 02/16/2023 to 02/15/2028
(Renewable for another 5 years)
Order-Level Materials (OLM) SIN: 54151S – Information Technology (IT) Professional Services

IT Professional Services and/or labor categories for database planning and design; system analysis, integration, and design; programming,  conversion and implementation support; network services, data/records management, and testing.

Business Type:

SBA Certified 8(a) Contract Award

Small Business, Minority Owned Small Business,

SBA certified WOSB(Women-Owned Small Business)

EDWOSB (Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business)

Ordering Process:

How to Order from our GSA MAS Schedule:
Detailed instructions are provided by GSA in “How to Order from GSA MAS”.

A high-level description is below:


  1. Identify and quantify your requirements.
  2. Review your requirements with your Epic Systems’ contact.
  3. Establish Performance Work Statement (PWS) and funding
  4. Please see our MAS Pricelist/labor rates at GSA Advantage
  5. Please note Epic Systems’ Socio-Economic Categories above, which GSA may use for a Set-Aside.
  6. Send your order with the agreed-upon SOW using your agency’s approved GSA purchase order.
  7. Epic Systems submit our proposal, the contract is awarded, and work begins.